This conversation must have occurred around December 3, 2006, which is the day we first started posting the story on AFFN/adultfanfiction.net. At the time we were having this conversation, I think we were also writing a chapter that might have later been edited out. In case you aren’t aware, we roleplayed the story but were often also talking at the same time. Each time one of us said “posted” or “replied” it’s because we wrote some part of the scene. I think we were probably writing the scene where Boyd/Ryan were having that heart-to-heart over a sandwich XD Anyway, Sonny was all gung ho about posting the story to AFFN and I thought he was crazy (why would anyone ever read it?) but said he could do whatever. So this is where he was talking about posting it to AFFN. Choosing icos’ title. A VERY SERIOUS AND WELL THOUGHT AFFAIR.  Sonny (9:44:07 PM): whats our pen name Sonny (9:44:12 PM): Mad Crew Sonny (9:44:13 PM): XD no Ais (9:44:17 PM): LOL Ais (9:44:22 PM): mad crew XD thatd be funny Ais (9:44:26 PM): you realize we also dont have a title Ais (9:44:27 PM): for the story Sonny (9:44:29 PM): oh Sonny (9:44:30 PM): well Sonny (9:44:33 PM): XD Sonny (9:44:38 PM): it can be um silence like shadows for now XD Ais (9:44:46 PM): noo Ais (9:44:47 PM): it has to be Ais (9:44:50 PM): something that fits better Sonny (9:44:50 PM): i like that title Ais (9:44:50 PM): XD Ais (9:44:54 PM): really? hmm Ais (9:45:00 PM): do you think it’s appropriate for the whole story though? Sonny (9:45:04 PM): idk Ais (9:45:26 PM): the answer you’re searching for is “NO” Ais (9:45:28 PM): XD Sonny (9:45:48 PM): idk...

NSVIC/WMHB: ICoS Conceived

The first mention of what would become ICoS – December 31, 2005 Behind a cut for length. If you were ever on our forum at our site, you might have seen this already. This is literally the conversation where ICoS was first conceived. We were on AIM one Saturday, and this happened. Back then, Sonny and I both wrote more fanfiction than anything, hence my first question to him. d9 was a roleplaying game we’d created, called District 9 (before that movie came out), based on a gay area of a city we made up named Neulan. Boyd came from there. Glimmer was a separate rpg we played online that was set up by friends and was a sci-fi/fantasy quest. Sin came from there. Sonny(2:44:14 PM): i want to write something but i cant think of any ideas Ais (2:44:26 PM): original or fan? Sonny(2:44:29 PM): hmmm Sonny(2:44:38 PM): i want to try original Ais (2:44:47 PM): different idea than one you’ve done before? Ais (2:44:52 PM): you had that baseball story you’d started Ais (2:44:55 PM): or planned to Sonny(2:44:56 PM): eh Sonny(2:45:01 PM): i want to start something newww Sonny(2:45:04 PM): you have to help meee Sonny(2:45:14 PM): you want to cowrite something? Ais (2:45:34 PM): sure ^_^ Sonny(2:45:48 PM): do you have any ideas youve been kicking around? Ais (2:46:00 PM): XD this is sorta how d9 started… i think we did a good job on that Ais (2:46:23 PM): umm…im not sure offhand. want it, what? realistic? fantasy? drama? sci-fi…? Sonny(2:46:42 PM): hmmm Sonny(2:46:49 PM): realistic would be easiest Sonny(2:46:50 PM): but Sonny(2:46:51 PM): i dont know Sonny(2:47:05 PM): this is the...

WMHB: The Internet-friendly Guard

We’ve been working on the edits of the Evenfall rewrites this weekend. We broke the book into quadrants so we’ve been working on different chapters. I’m editing a scene in Evenfall chapter 22, and I cannot tell you how much I want to write something in dialogue I really just can’t do. But if I can’t stick it in story, at least I can blog about it. Behind a cut for spoilers in Evenfall chapter 22. This is the scene as it’s currently edited: — “What the hell is this?” “If you read it, you’ll see it gives me clearance—” “To release Vega to his apartment, yeah, I went to kindergarten, too,” the guard said snidely. He waved the paper in the air and glowered at Boyd. “I mean, this makes no fucking sense. This isn’t protocol. We get orders through chain of command, not through agents prancing around with special clearance straight from the Marshal.” — What I really really omg you guys don’t understand! want to have the guard say in that last line is: — “We get orders through chain of command, not through agents prancing around with their special snowflake paperwork.” — He can be the internet-friendly guard, all hip to the lingo from nearly a decade prior in an alternate timeline, right? I mean, that’s pretty normal,...

What Might Have Been: An O’Connell Agency reunion

Over the years of writing In the Company of Shadows, we learned to be very fluid with our plot. There were some things we planned to do but when it came to that time in the story it just didn’t work anymore. Other times, we pushed a scene forward or back, or had to remove it altogether. Some plots were nixed, some were expanded. Some characters were supposed to reappear but the story was too compact to fit them. And more than once, I wrote multiple versions of the same scene well in advance of something I knew was coming, and by the time it appeared that scene changed dramatically. Any post labeled What Might Have Been or WMHB is a sneak peek into what was planned but didn’t end up happening. For the first post: Caoilfhionn O’Connell, aka, Keelin My favorite model inspiration for her so far is Anna Lutoskin from storm models. Keelin is Owen’s younger sister. She shows up in his side story -somnia, but that wasn’t supposed to be her only appearance. Keelin was going to end up working at the Agency. Most likely, she was going to become a civilian. There was also talk of her first appearing in the main series by meeting Hsin on a bus, probably in Afterimage. One of the things that would have been interesting about her was how it would have not only shown a civilian’s adjustment to the Agency, but also how it would have affected Owen to have his little sister so close. And how she would have dealt with the same secrecy and lies already...