Agency Storybook

Agency Storybook

Agency Storybook These are stories mostly done as requests for people, oftentimes with them giving me a specific prompt. I couldn’t explain on each image because it messes up the gallery but you can ask me if you’re curious about the story behind anything. Warning: this gallery contains MAJOR SPOILERS through Fade, as well as NSFW content! View at your own risk. HolidayHsinBoyd my first animated gif đŸ™‚ Hsin the barbarian Bionic Boyd page 1 Bionic Boyd page 2 Bionic Boyd page 3 Castle of Feels 1 Castle page 2 Castle page 3 Castle page 4 Zombie ICoS page 1 Zombie ICoS page 2 Zombie page 3 Queen Vivienne page 1 Queen Vivienne page 2 Queen Vivienne page 3 Hey Luke page 1 Hey Luke page 2 Vega Sandwich this quote amused me so much I had to draw a picture. (I put this in Agency storybook because it has a spoiler for Interludes) Vega Sandwich + fan the idea of a Vega sandwich was so popular I drew this as a joke (and partially at the request of a reader). I put this in Agency storybook because it has a spoiler for Interludes Boyd’s Tragic Life Emoceans Santino said ’emoceans’; I thought of this Vampires… probably Seth Not really a story, except for how much he loves his knives. He turned out super weird and ugly in...