Vivienne Moreau may have been rebellious, but she still thought she knew generally how her life would lead. She had more money than she would ever need, and a clear understanding of her place in society. That is, until she met Cedrick Beaulieu.
Genre: drama, slice of life
Expected length: 75k words
Status: work in progress, expected finish date January/February 2016
Type: Spinoff; single novel set in the past
Series: Characters from In the Company of Shadows
Relationships: Primary couple: m/f
I made the cover, with the usage of images that were available through creative commons rights. I edited all the images to some extent, primarily by removing some parts and layering them in Photoshop.
This is a temporary cover to be used as a placeholder for now, until the book is at the point of self-publishing or submitting to a publisher. At that point, it will get an official cover made, most likely, by a professional.
Images taken from The photographs I used are by Julia Caesar and Daniel Genser.

Below you will find an excerpt from Domino. Note that this excerpt is not edited and is included merely to give an idea of the story. This is related to In the Company of Shadows as a spinoff set in the past.
There is not an excerpt from Domino currently, because I do not have enough written yet that is finalized to be in the book. An excerpt will be placed here in the future.